The secret to enjoying cake and dessert without worrying about sugar!
Faye Palmqvist Faye Palmqvist

The secret to enjoying cake and dessert without worrying about sugar!

The secret to enjoying cake and dessert without worrying about sugar!

So how do we reconcile our love for cake and dessert with the health problems sugar can cause? One inescapable truth is that consuming too much sugar is bad for us. The evidence is overwhelming that sugar causes huge health problems in our society (e.g. chronic heart disease, diabetes, obesity and more). Our approach is based on this:

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Winter Dessert Recipe E-Book: why we have written these recipes
Faye Palmqvist Faye Palmqvist

Winter Dessert Recipe E-Book: why we have written these recipes

We have now launched our first recipe e-book which is available to buy from our shop page. For those of you who are new to us and have not tried our recipes before, or if you have not yet downloaded the e-book, we wanted give a short explanation of the ethos behind the recipes.

Whilst we have always enjoyed cooking and eating good food, it is only in the last 18 months or so, prompted by our daughter Neve’s arrival, that we have become more focussed on how our ingredients have been produced. Frankly, we had previously not understood the scale on which many harmful practices have been used in the production of our food. These include the widespread use of chemicals, and in particular harmful pesticides, in the production of our fruit, vegetables, grains and dairy. Over time, the damage caused to our environment and health by these chemicals and pesticides has been huge. Learning more about these issues has led us to change what we buy and where we buy it from. In short we want to know exactly what we are eating.

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